Thursday, February 17, 2022

Asthma cure with Acupuncture

From Case Record at Homeopathic Acupuncture Clinic

128 jalan Raja Abadullah, Kg Baru, Kuala lumpur.
Name of patient: S. Suresh Andarajah Case No: 8185

A patient came here with 'Chronic Asthma' siffered for last 10 years. The attacke of asthma almost everday. Have been to many doctors and specialist in Kuala Lumpur but failed to cure. Have been taken almost all wonder drugs such as 'asthmacap., ventolin, bryclny, streiod, inhaler etc' even when severe attack, the patient was broguht to hospital for 'nouboliser'

The patient started acupuncture therapy and homeopathic medication alternately for 4 months non-stop. On the first months of treatment not much improvement, on the second months, there is 20 % improvement, on the third months 50 % improvement and on fourth months 80% improvement.

Bahama Melayu: Kami amat seronok merawat kes-kes lelah atau asma dengan menggunakan kaedah baru perubatan integrasi iaitu kombinasi 'rawatan homeopati dan akupunktur'. Amat menajubkan dimana hampir semua pesakit yang sedang menderita lelah atau yang sedang mengalami lelah, bila diberi 'tiga jarum' akupunktur pada titik 'Rn 17, Ren 22 dan Lu7'
Setelah menjalani terapi selama 30 minit, asma yang sedang memuncak terus berhenti, tanpa sebarang ubat. Itulah ajaibnya rawatan akupunktur.

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